The latest news at Sanctus, 9 February
This has been a most exciting week as we have heard that two members of our Sanctus family have been given leave to remain. Now they have some security and can plan their future. We are so pleased for both of them.
There are a number of things I would like to share with you this week …..
Carmel, Kate and Anita did a talk to Newcastle Trefoil Guild (grown up girl-guides) this week and raised £211 for the work of Sanctus. Well done ladies!
Last Saturday saw 12 volunteers (and a dog) squashed into the Sanctus office for 'Prevent' training, all very, very cosy.
Tonight (( February) is 'Befriending' training night and I am really looking forward to seeing everyone who has said they are coming along.
We will be down on volunteer numbers this coming Wednesday as we will be short of a few people. If you would like to volunteer to sit at the desk to sign volunteers and visitors in, please email Deana at the address below.
The next training session is March 3rd at 9.30 and is our volunteer induction and confidentiality session. Please let Deana know if you are intending to come along.
Don’t forget that St Mark’s is open every Saturday from 2-5 pm for friendship, games and reaching out to the local community, please feel free to pop in at any point during this time. Also at 5.30 food will be provided, what more could you ask for?
I met with a new volunteer to Sanctus this week who said something really lovely about us, she said ‘Sanctus on a Wednesday has a great sense of being safe and organised but still has a great grass roots feel’. I thought this was a great observation. If you have any burning quotes about Sanctus please share them with me so that I can share them with everyone.
If you would like any more information, or would like to volunteer, simply drop us a line to: